A pregnant woman was shot with a stun gun by Chicago police during a dispute over a parking ticket, myFOXchicago.com reported Wednesday.
Tiffany Rent — who is not handicapped, but is eight months pregnant — was ticketed for parking in a handicapped spot in the parking lot of a Roseland Walgreens, at 103rd and Michigan Ave. She tore up the ticket, threw it at the officer and tried to take off, according to police.
The officer used a stun gun on Rent, 30, to subdue her. Her family told the Chicago Tribune she was still seated in her vehicle when the stun gun was fired during Tuesday
night’s incident.
Rent’s fiance Joseph Hobbs, who is also the father of the baby, was in the car at the time and was arrested after getting involved in the confrontation. Rent’s young son and daughter, ages nine and three, also witnessed the incident.
The police department said the officer may not have known Rent was pregnant. She was taken to Roseland Hospital after a female officer noticed she was pregnant on the scene.
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